Michelle - Salem Dental Office Supervisor/Treatment Coordinator


Office Supervisor/Treatment Coordinator

Michele grew up in the PNW.  Born in Idaho, raised in Oregon. Other states she has lived in…Washington, Utah, Montana. She attended OSU and has a degree in business management. Michele is married and has two great children all grown up. Michele loves to spend time in the great outdoors. Hiking, kayaking, gardening, and walking on the beach. She also loves cooking and taking her dog for long walks.

“Finish the Sentence” with Michelle

If I stuck on an island and could only listen to 3 artists, I would listen to… John Meyer, Dave Matthews, and Pearl Jam.

The movie I would remake and star in would be… Harry Potter, of course, it would have to be renamed to maybe… Hazel Potter.

My dinner date of my choosing would be… Thomas Jefferson, I think it would be a great night, he was a highly intelligent man.